Ashley Graham | Resident Evil 4 Zone

Ashley Graham Profile

Birthdate: 1984
Age: 20 (RE4)
Female gender
Height: 168 cm
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Occupation: Student
Appearance: Resident Evil 4

Story in Resident Evil 4

Ashley Graham is the girl of the US President during Resident Evil 4 and is kidnapped by a mysterious organization during a homecoming expedition. Like Leon Scott Kennedy, it is the player's goal to ascertain Ashley's whereabouts and save her from her captors in times of distress.

It is their job to protect themselves from incoming enemies and avoid them from taking them away. Players can also share simple commands for Ashley while in the game. Ashley has also been played at Castle Salazar.

In 2004 Ashley was kidnapped by Jack Krauser, a mercenary who worked for Osmund Saddler, while returning from his studies in Massachusetts. He was taken to a remote village somewhere in Spain, where he was apparently being held for ransom by Los Illuminados.

After receiving intelligence about Ashley's whereabouts, the US Government sent Leon an agent to investigate the area. He creates that the locals are actually members of Los Illuminados, converted into their beliefs through known parasitic organisms such as Las Plagas. Leon created Ashley in a church on the outskirts of the village. Not long after that, the two meet with a cult leader, Saddler, who says that Ashley (and Leon) were given one of the Plaga parasites and Saddler who plans to make Ashley back for the President in order to infiltrate and destroy the United States government from within.

After escaping Saddler and the villagers, 2 creates their method to Ramon Salazar's castle and after that, to the island which is Saddler's neighborhood. Ashley was about to be recaptured by Los Illuminados several times during Leon's mission and after that was saved every time. Within the island environment, 2 creates a surgical laser machine formed by Luis Sera with the aim of internally removing Plaga from its host body. Leon and Ashley used the machine on themselves, they destroyed Plaga's parasites and thus, wiped out just using Saddler on them.

Later, Leon and Ashley made their escape from the island which was about to be destroyed on the jet ski abandoned by Ada. Ashley offers Leon to arrive at his place for "some overtime", which Leon politely refuses.

After you take me back to my place, how about we do some "overtime"?

After that, both of them were picked up by US Government authorities.

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